So far I really like this book a lot more than the other two that we have read. Even though I've never been in the same situation as Birdie or Jesse is, it's still something that you can connect to. Everyone has changed themselves in some way to fit in with other people or to be part of a certain group. I feel really bad for Birdie because she never really knew who she was because of her race, and on top of that she has to pretend she is a completely different person. Her new identity could change at any time because of a slip up on either her or her mom's part. I can't even imagine how stressful that would be knowing if she said one wrong thing, her mother could go to jail, and she would have no family.
Her mom makes me extremely angry because I hate all the secrets she's keeping. It really bothered me when she got mad that Cole wasn't telling her stuff anymore, but now she is doing the exact same thing with Birdie. I really just think her mom is crazy, because I don't know what she could have done that was so bad that she would take her daughter away from her home and make her live on the road. I think she's a really big hypocrite for falling for Jim because he could easily be part of the FEDS, and is just there to get close to her to gain information. Jim seems like he is forcing himself on their family by telling the kids from the beach that they were Birdie's parents. At that point in the book, it didn't seem like her mom and Jim were that serious to make such a bold statement. The thing with Jim confused me a lot also because I thought her mom was a lesbian, because of that Bernadette girl.
I really want to know where Cole went because she could have easily not gone to Brazil, and they could be living close to Birdie. Cole was really the only person that Birdie had, and she looked up to her so much. Because I have two sisters who I am really close with, I can't even imagine having one of them taken away during the middle of the night and not know where they went or what is happening to them. What if her dad got in trouble and Cole had no family or was left with Carmen? It's all so unclear and disconnected just like how her mother won't tell Birdie what's going on.
Ending of Caucasia
16 years ago
I agree, the mom can be a really frustrating character sometimes. I'm sometimes annoyed with her on behalf of Birdie, who's growing up living a lie. If I remember right, Sandy said at one point that her daughters were a big inspiration for her to become involved in whatever movement she was part of. It's ironic (and sad) that Sandy seems to have ended up hurting Birdie through something that was originally supposed to help her.
Haha! we wrote like the exact same blog =) We think so much alike han! Anyway I obviously agree with everything you said especially abou the mom being a frustrating character.
Good Job!
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